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5B073100-Life safety and environmental protection The year he graduated from the university 2009
5B060800-Ecology The year he graduated from the university 2019
5B060800-Ecology The year he graduated from the university 2022
5B060800-Ecology The year he graduated from the university 2014
050721-Chemical technology of organic substances The year he graduated from the university 2012
The year he graduated from the university 2007
5B072100-Chemical technology of organic substances The year he graduated from the university 2019
5B060800-Ecology The year he graduated from the university 2014
5B060600-Chemistry The year he graduated from the university 2003
The year he graduated from the university 2014
The year he graduated from the university 2014
The year he graduated from the university 2014
The year he graduated from the university 2016
510730-Chemistry The year he graduated from the university 2009