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Educational programs
6B11201 - Safety and Environmental Protection
The group of educational programs В094 Sanitary and preventive measures is included in the field of education 6В11 Service.

2022 year - 10th place 2023 year - 18th place Training of specialists in ensuring safety in emergency situations of natural and man-made nature at industrial enterprises and institutions of all forms of ownership under the educational program "6B11201 Life safety and environmental protection "is implemented by the Department of "Chemical and ecology" Research School of Physical and Chemical Sciences, of the Shakarim University in Semey. The educational program is developed taking into account the needs of the regional labor market, the requirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and is a system of documents for organizing the educational process.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the mastering by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practical training, 8 credits of final certification. A total of 240 credits.
4 years.
Training of specialists, on the basis of the advanced achievements of world and domestic science, allowing to form bachelors of high professional level in the field of services that fully meet the social expectations of society regarding its intellectual, personal and behavioral qualities, abilities for productive professional activity in modern society, development of creative potential, initiative and innovation for the transition to the second stage of higher professional education (master s degree), possessing basic knowledge and professional skills in the field of life safety, labor protection and environmental protection to ensure industrial and environmental safety of Kazakhstan.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor's degree in the field of services in the educational program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Expert in the analysis of factors of working conditions, Engineer for occupational safety and health, in occupational safety at work, fire safety inspector, in the organizations of the Ministry of Emergencies
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    sphere of material production, branches: all branches of the economy, including the military-industrial complex, industry, agriculture and utilities, production and consumption. Non-industrial sphere, branches: state bodies in the field of life safety, environmental protection( OS), protection in emergency situations (ES), environmental services.
  • Object of professional activity
    Enterprises and organizations engaged in the operation of technological systems, networks and protection in emergencies, determining the safety of life and allowing t fire, radiation, chemical other hazards; research and design industry institutes; secondary technical educational institutions.
  • Types of professional activity
    Production and technological; organizational and managerial; design; experimental and research.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Language and socio-cultural training

Learning outcomes for the module:

to Demonstrate knowledge of a foreign language in order to carry out communication in the educational, scientific and socio-cultural sphere of communication, which allows you to receive and evaluate information in the field of professional activity from foreign sources

Language and socio-cultural training

Learning outcomes for the module:

Improves basic knowledge in the field of language, socio-cultural and physical training and applies them in various types of educational and professional activities that contribute to the formation of a highly educated person with a broad Outlook and culture of thinking

Building humanitarian and environmental knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

Use the basic provisions and methods of social-humanitarian and psychological Sciences in solving social and professional tasks, forming socio-political and ethical norms regulating relations between the state, society and individual citizens, acquiring an analytical view and serving society in the spirit of tolerance and equality.

Building humanitarian and environmental knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

He has basic knowledge in the field of Humanities, Economics and law, the basics of anti-corruption culture, ecology and life safety, entrepreneurship skills, leadership, receptivity to innovations, appliesthe humanistic ideas of the priceless theory of the works of the President of Kazakhstan. in various types of professional and socio-political activities


Learning outcomes for the module:

Carries out professionally oriented activities in the field of life safety and environmental protection

Industrially safe

Learning outcomes for the module:

Applies in practice industrial-safe methods, measures and means that exclude the impact on workers and the environment of hazardous and harmful production factors (SPF) and industrial pollution


Learning outcomes for the module:

Assesses and predicts the possible and negative impact of engineering and technical complexes, technological equipment, develops and improves risk management methods for the life and health of employees, as well as performs technical and safe work to create conditions for life safety, labor protection and protection in emergencies

Radiation and chemical

Learning outcomes for the module:

Analyzes, predicts and regulates the radiation and chemical state of the work area and the environment

Fundamentals of production processes

Learning outcomes for the module:

Applies in practice knowledge of the basics of conducting production processes and protects the labor rights of employees performing labor functions in adverse conditions, as well as the population from the possible consequences of emergencies, accidents and catastrophes