The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the mastering by students of at least 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practical training, 8 credits of final certification. A total of 240 credits.
4 years.
Awarded degree / qualificationEDUCATIONAL PROGRAM (OP) 6В05201 Ecology
Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialistecologist by industry, teacher of secondary and professional educational institutions, inspector for environmental protection, environmental engineer, environmental laboratory assistant in research, primary and secondary vocational educational institutions
OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)6
Area of professional activitynatural and urbanized ecosystems and their components; biosphere and its components; environmental monitoring and marketing; analysis, inspection and control of the state of the environment; compilation of predictive models; management and consulting functions in the field of environmental protection; environmental education and upbringing; compliance with environmental requirements in technological processes and in the design of new enterprises, settlements, planning and implementation of environmental protection measures in various spheres of the economy, conducting an EIA and environmental audit.
Object of professional activityterritorial departments of environmental protection, national parks, reserves, wildlife reserves, biosphere reserves, industrial enterprises, agro-industrial complexes, landfills, energy facilities, nuclear power plants, educational organizations, research institutes and centers.
Types of professional activity"Conservation and restoration of biodiversity of the natural environment" can be performed by the following types of professional activities: ● organizational and managerial; ● production and technological; ● service and operational; ● research; ● educational and upbringing (pedagogical); ● design.
Learning outcomes for the module:
This module reveals such aspects as: socio-cultural, economic-legal, environmental knowledge, communication skills, the use of information technology taking into account modern trends in the development of society.
Learning outcomes for the module:
Have a systematic understanding of professional knowledge and research methods, form environmental thinking, take into account and assess environmental impacts in various fields of activity, promote environmental conservation, resource conservation, apply knowledge about climate change, principles of thrift, act effectively in emergency situations
Learning outcomes for the module:
To form knowledge of the fundamental laws of the disciplines of the natural science cycle, to apply the acquired knowledge in practice for the correct formulation of an experiment or observation when working with natural objects, to correctly model natural processes and predict possible scenarios for the development of natural systems.
Learning outcomes for the module:
To form the theoretical ecological foundations of environmental management and resource conservation. He is able to operate on theoretical and experimental principles and methods of ecological biogeography and compare biogeographic zones and belts.
Learning outcomes for the module:
To analyze the state of the ecosystem, aimed at an objective assessment of the physical and biochemical parameters of air, water and soil, as well as flora and fauna, including their habitat, to monitor the dynamics of changes in the state of the ecosystem and respond in a timely manner to critical deviations from the norm
Learning outcomes for the module:
Solve a wide range of well-known environmental problems in the field of specialty and take up the solution of implicit and unresolved problems, present evidence and make comprehensive written, electronic and oral projects that ensure industrial environmental and sanitary safety of the environment
Learning outcomes for the module:
To carry out environmental control over compliance with legislation, instructions, standards and regulations on environmental protection, control over compliance with technological regimes of environmental protection facilities, contribute to reducing harmful anthropogenic impact on nature and society