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Educational programs
8D05301 - Chemistry
The group of educational programs D089 Chemistry is included in the field of education 8D05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics

Preparation for the educational program "8D05301-Chemistry" is carried out by the Department of "Chemical technology and ecology" of the faculty of engineering and technology. The educational programme of Shakarim University of Semey tailored to the needs of the regional labour market, the requirements of normative documents of MSHE of RK and is a system of documents for organization of educational process.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of PhD students is the development of at least 45 academic credits of the educational component, including 20 credits of practice, at least 123 academic credits of research work, at least 12 credits of final certification, namely writing and defending a doctoral dissertation. A total of 180 credits..
3 years
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare highly qualified specialists for higher, postgraduate education, research and production, with in-depth fundamental educational, methodological and research training
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Doctor of philosophy PhD in the educational program 8D05301 - Chemistry
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    High school chemistry teacher; Research fellow; Chemical engineer; process chemist and others
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Graduate program – Ph.D. can work in the field of science, technology and chemical education encompassing a combination of theoretical and applied problems of chemistry and related scientific disciplines, industry of new materials, including nanostructured materials, new energy sources, synthetic composites and fibers, other materials with desired properties
  • Object of professional activity
    The objects of professional activity are chemical, physical, physico-chemical, thermal processes, macro-, micro-and nanosystems and materials, devices and automated systems of production and research, innovative projects
  • Types of professional activity
    *educational (pedagogical) activities in the field of chemistry and related Sciences; • research activities in the field of chemistry and related Sciences; *production and technological activities in the field of chemistry and related Sciences; * organizational and management activities; • project activity.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Scientific aspects of chemistry

Learning outcomes for the module:

The Scientific Aspects of Chemistry module is aimed at studying basic disciplines on methodological aspects of chemical science. It covers issues of modern methods of scientific research, forms ideas about relevant theoretical and applied aspects of chemistry, reveals methods and principles of academic literacy. The disciplines of the module deepen fundamental knowledge in the field of chemical sciences, contribute to the development of professional, scientific skills and abilities.

Modern aspects of the development of chemical science

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module Modern aspects of the development of chemical science is aimed at studying the core disciplines of fundamental and applied research in the field of priority areas of chemistry. It covers the practical application of modern chemical materials. The disciplines of the module deepen fundamental and practical