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«International Experience in Science»

2024-10-21 | News

International Scientific Internship

From October 13 to 18, 2024, senior teachers of the Department of Chemistry and Ecology, candidate of biological sciences, fssociate professor Kasymova Zh. and candidate of chemical sciences, associate professor Orazzhanova L. completed a foreign scientific internship at the Department of Chemistry of Pamukkale University (Denizli, Turkey).

The topic of the internship is "instrumental methods of nanoparticle research". The research was conducted within the framework of the scientific project AR23488216 "Development of technology for chemical modification of chlorella culture using biopolymers and nanoparticles to create biologically active substances."

Under the guidance of PhD Korea Sarkai, scientists studied the chemical composition of chlorella nanoparticles and algae using the FTIR method and received advice on the research methodology. As a result of the internship, Kassymova Zh. and Oraszhanova L. were awarded international certificates.

We wish our scientists great success and success on the scientific path!


