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International Earth Day!

2024-04-25 | Congratulation

International Earth Day!


On April 25, 2024, at the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, under the guidance of Associate Professor Skripnikova L.V. and teacher Sarsenbayeva G.B., an intellectual quiz dedicated to International Earth Day was held among first-year students of the educational program 6B05201 - "Ecology", gr. EL-301.

           The purpose of the event is to attract the public to the existing and probable problems of the planet, a call to action for the preservation of peace and life on Earth, the preservation of Man and Culture.

A presentation on the topic "April 22 – International Earth Day" is presented, which examines the symbol, flag, and traditions of Earth Day.

An intellectual quiz was conducted, for which the students were divided into two teams "Natural Defenders" and "Guardians of the Earth" and answered questions from four rounds of "Blitz Survey", "Who is faster?", "Brainstorming", "Nature Experts".

The Guardians of the Earth team won with a score of 50:170 points, showing not only excellent knowledge in the field of ecology, but also general erudition and high intelligence.

