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Professional development!

2023-10-13 | News

The branch of JSC “National Center for Advanced Training ”ORLEU“ representative office in the Abai region conducts advanced training courses for chemistry teachers. In this course, the teachers of the region not only improved their professional theoretical knowledge, but also honed their practical skills. As part of the course, they visited the Non-profit JSC ”Shakarim Semey University", the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology, where they got acquainted with the life of the department and exchanged experiences. Teaching staff of the department: PhD, Acting Associate Professor Klivenko Alexey Nikolaevich, PhD, Acting Professors Kasymova Zhanar Sailaubekovna, Master's degree, senior lecturer Gaisina Balzhan Sailauovna encouraged school teachers to further expand their activities in the field of education by enrolling in master's and doctoral studies, as well as to involve schoolchildren in science more. They shared the experience of students carrying out scientific projects and gave lectures on the methodology of teaching chemistry at school.




