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Educational programs
8D05302 - Technical Physics
The group of educational programs D090 Physics is included in the field of education 8D05 Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics

Training under the educational program 8D05302 Technical Physics is carried out at the Department of Technical Physics and Heat Power Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology. The educational program for the preparation of a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) has a scientific and pedagogical focus and involves fundamental educational, methodological and research training and in-depth study of disciplines in the relevant areas of science for the system of higher and postgraduate education and the scientific sphere. During the implementation of the educational program, the features of training specialists characteristic of the Shakarim University of the city of Semey and the region were taken into account. The uniqueness of this educational program lies in the fact that the training of specialists in this field is carried out in close cooperation with the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Center for Nuclear Medicine and Oncology of the city of Semey.
The main criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of PhD doctors is the student's mastering of at least 45 credits of theoretical education, as well as at least 123 credits of doctoral student's research work, including internship and doctoral dissertation, at least 12 credits for writing and defending a doctoral dissertation.
3 years.
Training of highly qualified personnel in the field of technical physics with advanced professional, research and management competencies for a successful career in the academic community, public administration and industry.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    PhD in the educational program 8D05302 «Technical physics»
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    Engineer-physicist, specialist of higher, I and II categories, junior researcher, researcher, lecturer of special disciplines of the course of technical physics in higher educational institutions.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Industry, energy, education, science, medicine
  • Object of professional activity
    Enterprises and firms of energy and technological profiles. Research institutions. Medical institutions. Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. Akimats and ministries.
  • Types of professional activity
    Research and innovation activities. Organizational and managerial activities. Educational (pedagogical) activity.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Research in scientific and pedagogical activities

Learning outcomes for the module:

Uses the possibilities of written communication in the academic and scientific and technical fields when writing research papers and conducting classes. Interprets research results and their scope.

The physical essence of phenomena and processes in technical physics

Learning outcomes for the module:

Interprets the physical essence of the phenomena and processes of heat transfer in scientific creativity and professional activity. Forms a scientific approach to questions of statistical physics and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. Structures information on the problems of thermal physics of materials in research activities. Forms a scientific approach to the development of new generation nuclear reactors. Substantiates modern approaches to the issue of radiation safety in the framework of legislation and research activities. Forms a scientific approach in the field of radiation protection and control of nuclear materials. Develops modern approaches to physical research using modern information technologies.