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Educational programs
6B05303 - Technical Physics
The group of educational programs B054 Physics is included in the field of education 6B05 Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics.

2023 year - 2th place 1.1. Department of "Technical Physics and Heat Power Engineering" of the Research School of Physical and Chemical Sciences of the NJSC «University named after Shakarim of the city of Semey» , carries out training in the educational program "6B05303 Technical Physics", taking into account the needs of the regional labor market, the re-quirements of regulatory documents of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. When implementing the educational program, training is carried out in the specialization of training - these are "Nuclear Reactors and Power Plants" and "Engineering and Physics of Low Temperatures". These areas of training of specialists in the field of nuclear energy and low-temperature tech-nology in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan within the framework of the educational program are not produced by anyone other than the Shakarim State University of Semey. The training of bachelors in this area is carried out in close cooperation with the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kur-chatov), on the basis of which a branch of the department has been opened. On the basis of the branch, all types of internships are carried out, as well as diploma de-sign. The leaders of the diploma projects are leading specialists from research la-boratories. The defense of diploma projects is carried out at the NNC RK with the involvement of leading scientists. This approach in the education process allows to prepare future specialists in the field of technical physics, taking into account the requirements of the future employer.
The main 205 credits of theoretical training, as well as at least 27 credits of practical training, 8 credits of final certification. A total of criterion for the completion of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors is the mastering by students of at least 240 credits
4 years.
Preparation of specialists with extensive knowledge for modern high-tech industries focused on design, technological and developmental activities in the field of technical physics related to the nuclear industry and low-grade technology.
Qualification characteristics of a graduate
  • Awarded degree / qualification
    Bachelor of Science in Education Program
  • Name of the profession / list of positions of a specialist
    They can hold primary positions: physicist, circuit engineer, electronic engineer, technologist, specialist of the highest, I and II categories, senior laboratory assistant, engineer.
  • OQF qualification level (industry qualification framework)
  • Area of professional activity
    Industry, energy industry, education, science.
  • Object of professional activity
    Enterprises and firms of energy and technological profiles in the field of nuclear energy and low-temperature technology. Scientific research institutions. Higher and secondary specialized educational institutions.
  • Types of professional activity
    Experimental - research. Research. Production and technological. Installation and operational. Organizational and managerial.
Map of training modules for developing competencies
Module 1. Fundamentals of social and humanitarian knowledge

Learning outcomes for the module:

Данный модуль раскрывает такие аспекты как: социально-культурные, экономико-правовые, экологические знания, коммуникативные умения, применение информационных технологии с учетом современных тенденций развития общества.

Module 2. Application in cognitive and professional activities of basic knowledge in the field of mathematics and physics

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module includes the study in cognitive and professional activities of basic knowledge in the field of mathematics and natural sciences, methods of mathematical analysis and modeling, theoretical and experimental research in the field of energy.

Module 3. Application in educational, scientific and professional activities of the requirements to the graduate

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module is aimed at forming requirements for a graduate of an educational program in educational, scientific and professional activities.

Module 4. Application of fundamental laws of mechanics, thermodynamics and heat exchange

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module is focused on studying the fundamental laws of mechanics, thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer and their practical applications.

Module 5. Operation of knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, electronics and information technology

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module includes the study of knowledge in the field of electrical engineering, measuring instruments, electronics and information technology in its subject area.

Module 6. Application of physical laws in educational, research and practical activities

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module includes the study of laws that describe the occurrence of physical processes in the microcosm, the mathematical apparatus of non-relativistic quantum mechanics, methods for calculating the physical properties of materials, and assessing the applicability of approximations in educational, research and practical activities.

Module 7. Using the legislative and regulatory framework to organize work in compliance with safety requirements

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module is aimed at studying the rules for organizing work in compliance with safety requirements based on the relevant legislative and regulatory framework in the field of labor protection, radiation safety, fire safety in the energy sector.

Module 8. Establishment of calculation methods and selection of equipment for nuclear power, non-traditional and renewable energy

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module studies calculation methods and selection of equipment for the nuclear industry, non-traditional and renewable energy based on the achievements of science and technology.

Module 9. Substantiation of calculation methods and selection of equipment for the production of cold, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module examines the study of calculation methods and selection of equipment for the production of refrigeration, ventilation and air conditioning systems based on the achievements of science and technology.

Module 10. Conducting a feasibility study of the efficiency of energy systems in the field of high and low temperatures, energy-saving equipment

Learning outcomes for the module:

The module examines feasibility studies of the efficiency of energy systems in the field of high and low temperatures, energy-saving equipment using the necessary materials from existing industries