Research work of students is an important component of the educational process at the university. Students of the Department of Technical Physics and Thermal Power Engineering of Shakarim University took part in the 2nd stage of the Republican competition of research works on the educational program "Technical Physics". The competition was held at the D. Serikbaev VKTU.
According to the results of the competition of the 2023-2024 academic year, students were among the winners in the competition of student works:
Diploma of the 3rd degree - Kadyrbolat Nurlat Erbolovich, Bauyrzhanuly Ersin. Supervisor: Kusainov Rinat Kenzheevich - head of the scientific center "Modification of the surface of materials". Research paper on the topic "Study of the effect of electrolytic-plasma hardening on the microstructure and tribomechanical properties of steel 45 used for the production of harrow teeth"
3rd degree diploma - Asykpaev Arnur Baurzhanovich, Safargaliev Bogdan Rinatovich, Anokhin Egor Maksimovich. Scientific supervisors: Ermoolenko Mikhail Vyacheslavovich, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Technical Physics and Thermal Power Engineering, Kasymov Askar Bagdatovich, PhD, acting associate professor of the Department of Technical Physics and Thermal Power Engineering. Research paper on the topic "Study of temperature fields of enclosing surfaces of power boilers".