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2024-09-27 | News

On September 26, 2024, a round table on the topic “Advantages of Peaceful Atom” was held at Shakarim University. The purpose of the event was to analyze the state of the energy sector of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the prospects for the construction of nuclear power plants.

The participants included students, master's students, doctoral students, teaching staff of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of public organizations, domestic and foreign scientists, leading specialists in the nuclear industry.

Among the speakers were Azat Tolkynovich Sarpekov, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Kuanyshbek Orazbekovich Toleubekov, Engineer of the Laboratory of Experimental Thermal Physics of the Branch of the Institute of Atomic Energy, Miklos Hegedus, Expert of the University of Pannonia (Hungary), Seit Abeukhanovich Aliyev, Director of the Information Center for Nuclear Technologies of the Association "Nuclear Society of Kazakhstan", Zhakyp Galievich Khairushev, Managing Director - Director of the Department of Energy and Housing and Communal Services of the NCE "Atameken", Olga Aleksandrovna Stepanova, Head of the Department of Technical Physics and Thermal Power Engineering of Shakarim University.

During the round table, all current issues related to the construction of nuclear power plants were discussed.

