Participation in the international exhibition

On August 27-28, 2024, the KazAtomExpo exhibition was held at the EXPO International Exhibition Center (Astana). This event was dedicated to the development of the nuclear energy industry. Potential vendors for the construction of a nuclear power plant in Kazakhstan took part in the exhibition - China National Nucler Corporation, Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power Co, Électricité de France, and Rosatom State Corporation. The event participants included JSC NC KazAtomProm, RSE Institute of Nuclear Physics, RSE National Nuclear Center, JSC Nuclear Technologies Park, and KARLSKRONA LC AB. Universities that train specialists for the nuclear industry were also invited; Shakarim University was represented by Dean of the Research School of Physical and Chemical Sciences A.B. Kassymov and Head of the Department of Technical Physics and Thermal Power Engineering O.A. Stepanova.
